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Quick Fixes Don’t Stick: Rewriting the Story of Healing with Caring Science

December 26, 20246 min read

“Healing is not about curing; it’s about surrender—letting go of what no longer serves you and opening yourself to love, trust, and the wholeness that connection brings.” - Mary Coughlin

In the fast-paced world of modern medicine, we’ve perfected the art of the quick fix. A pill for the pain, a protocol for the problem, a checkbox ticked off to signify success. On the surface, it seems efficient—symptoms are managed, outcomes are measured, and the system keeps humming along. But for those of us who work in healthcare—or who have been on the receiving end of it—it’s clear that something essential is missing.

The quick fix doesn’t stick.

The Illusion of Efficiency

Our focus on symptom relief often feels like putting a band-aid on a wound that runs deeper than we’re willing to see. A baby’s cries in the NICU are soothed with sedation, but what of the stress and fear embedded in their tiny cells? A mother’s anxiety is brushed off with reassurances, but who hears the silent scream of her self-doubt? A clinician’s burnout is patched with time off, but where is the space to truly heal?

We are chasing symptoms and missing the soul.

The Deeper Cost

When we prioritize speed over substance, we risk leaving the root cause of suffering untouched. And the costs are profound:

  • Families leave the hospital with scars they can’t name, replaying the trauma in their hearts long after discharge.

  • Clinicians feel disconnected from their purpose, burdened by the weight of what they couldn’t do in the system’s relentless churn.

  • The very people we aim to help—babies, families, ourselves—are left unhealed, the pain simply masked or delayed.

A Call to Reimagine Care

Trauma-Informed Developmental Care (TIDC) and Caring Science offer us a new path forward.

Jean Watson’s Caring Science reminds us that healing is not just a transaction; it’s a sacred connection. It’s about being fully present, fostering trust, and honoring the wholeness of every human being—body, mind, and spirit. Combined with the principles of TIDC, Caring Science gives us the courage to pause, listen deeply, and treat the root causes of suffering, not just the symptoms.

Healing isn’t a race; it’s a relationship.

These frameworks remind us that every cry, every moment of distress, is a story waiting to be understood. It’s about creating space for the invisible wounds—the ones that no prescription can touch. It’s about seeing the person, not just the problem.

Here’s how Caring Science’s 10 Caritas Processes® align beautifully with the principles of TIDC:

1. Embrace Altruistic Values and Practice Loving-Kindness:

  • Building a safe, nurturing environment where babies, families, and clinicians feel valued and respected.

2. Instill Faith and Hope:

  • Creating a culture of trust that empowers families to believe in their capacity to heal and grow.

3. Cultivate Sensitivity to Self and Others:

  • Encouraging clinicians to reflect on their own experiences and remain present to the needs of others.

4. Develop a Helping-Trusting Relationship:

  • Fostering authentic connections between caregivers and families, grounded in transparency and respect.

5. Promote and Accept Positive and Negative Feelings:

  • Validating emotions as part of the healing process, while holding space for grief, fear, and hope.

6. Use Creative Problem-Solving Processes:

  • Emphasizing innovative approaches, like TIDC, to address the complex needs of NICU babies and families.

7. Share Teaching and Learning:

  • Empowering families through education, collaboration, and choice in their baby’s care.

8. Create a Healing Environment:

  • Protecting sleep, reducing stress, and ensuring comfort for babies, families, and clinicians alike.

9. Assist with Basic Needs:

  • Attending to the physical, emotional, and developmental needs of babies through compassionate, developmentally appropriate care.

10. Open to Mystery and Allow Miracles to Enter:

  • Recognizing the profound, often unspoken, impact of love, connection, and presence in the healing process.

By bringing these Caritas Processes into our trauma-informed practices, we not only improve clinical outcomes but also reawaken the soul of our work.

The Heart of True Healing

What if we treated healing like a journey instead of a checkbox?

  • What if, instead of asking, “How do we fix this?” we asked, “How do we nurture this?”

  • What if we shifted our focus from managing symptoms to fostering wholeness?

  • What if we saw ourselves not as fixers, but as co-creators of a healing environment?

Caring Science and TIDC teach us how to put these questions into practice. By creating spaces of trust and love, protecting sleep, managing stress, and building compassionate relationships, we honor the sacredness of every life. In doing so, we create an environment where healing is possible—not just for babies and families, but for clinicians as well.

From Quick Fixes to True Connection

Healthcare was never meant to be a race to the finish line. It’s a calling to connect, to care, and to heal—not just the body, but the mind and soul.

The quick fixes don’t stick because they’re not enough. But when we choose to slow down, to listen, and to honor the whole person, we begin to rewrite the story. From trauma to trust. From brokenness to belonging. From pain to possibility.

Caring Science and Trauma-Informed Developmental Care invite us to reclaim what it means to care. To rewrite the story of healing—together.

Take Action: Join the Movement for Trauma-Informed, Caring Science-Based Healing

If this resonates with you—if you’ve ever felt the frustration of treating symptoms while missing the root cause, or the longing to bring more meaning and connection into your care—you’re not alone.

Trauma-Informed Developmental Care (TIDC) and Caring Science offer pathways forward, giving you the tools to transform the way we heal:

Learn More:

Get Certified:

  • Become a Trauma-Informed Professional through our TIP 2.0 program. It’s more than a certificate—it’s a commitment to healing in its truest form. Enroll now for special early pricing.

Stay Connected:

Healing isn’t about quick fixes. It’s about connection, courage, and care. Let’s create a world where every baby, every family, and every clinician can experience what true healing feels like.

When we combine the principles of Caring Science and Trauma-Informed Developmental Care, we have the power to transform healthcare. We can rewrite the story—not just for our patients, but for ourselves. Let’s honor the art and science of caring. Let’s move from quick fixes to true connection.

Together, let’s create a world where healing isn’t just possible—it’s profound.

Take care and care well,


P.S. Your voice matters! I’d love to hear your reflections—what resonates with you about this reimagined approach to healing? Share your thoughts in the comments or let's connect on social media. Let’s keep this important conversation going together. 💛

Mary Coughlin, BSN, MS, NNP, is a globally recognized leader in Trauma-Informed Developmental Care and the founder of Caring Essentials Collaborative. With over 35 years of clinical experience and a deep passion for nurturing the tiniest and most vulnerable among us, Mary’s work bridges the art and science of neonatal care. She is the creator of the Trauma-Informed Professional (TIP) Assessment-Based Certificate Program, a transformative initiative designed to empower clinicians with the knowledge, skills, and support to deliver exceptional, relationship-based care.

Mary is also an award-winning author, sought-after speaker, and compassionate educator who inspires healthcare professionals worldwide to transform their practice through empathy, connection, and evidence-based care. As the visionary behind the B.U.F.F.E.R. framework, Mary helps clinicians integrate love, trust, and respect into every interaction.

Through her blog, Mary invites readers to explore meaningful insights, practical tools, and heartfelt reflections that honor the delicate balance of science and soul in healthcare. Whether you’re a seasoned clinician, a passionate advocate, or simply curious about the profound impact of compassionate care, Mary’s words will leave you inspired and empowered.

Mary Coughlin

Mary Coughlin, BSN, MS, NNP, is a globally recognized leader in Trauma-Informed Developmental Care and the founder of Caring Essentials Collaborative. With over 35 years of clinical experience and a deep passion for nurturing the tiniest and most vulnerable among us, Mary’s work bridges the art and science of neonatal care. She is the creator of the Trauma-Informed Professional (TIP) Assessment-Based Certificate Program, a transformative initiative designed to empower clinicians with the knowledge, skills, and support to deliver exceptional, relationship-based care. Mary is also an award-winning author, sought-after speaker, and compassionate educator who inspires healthcare professionals worldwide to transform their practice through empathy, connection, and evidence-based care. As the visionary behind the B.U.F.F.E.R. framework, Mary helps clinicians integrate love, trust, and respect into every interaction. Through her blog, Mary invites readers to explore meaningful insights, practical tools, and heartfelt reflections that honor the delicate balance of science and soul in healthcare. Whether you’re a seasoned clinician, a passionate advocate, or simply curious about the profound impact of compassionate care, Mary’s words will leave you inspired and empowered.

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